全部作者:梁军 杜珂 李小朋
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:2
【英文篇名】 Design of water evaporative-condensation type household air conditioning systems for Hua Ting Garden 【作者中文名】 梁军; 杜珂; 李小朋; 【作者英文名】 By Liang Jun★; Du Ke and Li Xiaopeng; 【作者单位】 际高集团有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 户式空调; 风冷机组; 风机盘管; 【英文关键词】 water evaporative-condensation type air conditioning unit; household air conditioning; air-cooled unit; fan coil; 【摘要】 该项目室内空调系统为风机盘管水系统,夏季由放置在各户封闭阳台上的蒸发冷凝式空调机组提供冷水,冬季由小区锅炉房提供热水。介绍了设备选型和布置、水系统设计及空调系统控制。该蒸发冷凝式空调机组比风冷机组节省30%~40%的运行费用。 【英文摘要】 The indoor air conditioning system is fan-coil water system, whose chilled water is supplied by the evaporative-condensation type air conditioning units installed at closed balcony of every household, and whose hot water is supplied by the boiler room of the quarter. Presents the selection and layout of equipment, water system design and air conditioning system control. The evaporative-condensation type air conditioning units could reduce operating costs by 30%—40% than air-cooled units.
关键词:系统 设计 空调 air
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