全部作者:王健 郭金锁 尉广辉
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2007 期数:7
【英文篇名】 Testing and analysis for application effect of thermostatic radiator valves 【作者中文名】 王健; 郭金锁; 尉广辉; 陈静; 赵泽南; 胡广武; 【作者英文名】 Wang Jian; Guo Jinsuo; Wei Guanghui; Chen Jing; Zhao Zenan and Hu Guangwu Center for Engineering Design and Research under the Headquarters of General Equipment; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 总装备部工程设计研究总院; 总后勤部建筑设计研究院; 浙江慧康暖通设备有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 恒温控制阀; 应用效果; 节能; 【英文关键词】 radiator; thermostatic valve; application effect; energy efficiency; 【摘要】 通过对两栋相同建筑物进行同期动态检测,分析了散热器恒温控制阀的实际应用效果。分析结果表明散热器恒温控制阀可以有效调控室内温度和节约供暖能耗;恒温控制阀初投资低和投资回收期短,在实际应用中可以产生良好的经济效益。 【英文摘要】 Analyses the application effect of thermostatic radiator valves via testing two same buildings dynamically in the same period.The results indicate that thermostatic radiator valves can regulate and control indoor temperature effectively and save heating energy consumption,and that using thermostatic radiator valves can produce good economic benefit because the initial investment is lower and the payout period is shorter.
关键词:效果 检测 分析 应用 实际 控制
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