全部作者:高彩凤 张欢 王斌 由
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:7
【英文篇名】 Testing of volatile organic compounds in a newly decorated office building 【作者中文名】 高彩凤; 张欢; 王斌; 由世俊; 【作者英文名】 By Gao Caifeng★; Zhang Huan; Wang Bin and You Shijun★Tianjin University; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津大学; 铁道第三勘察设计院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Journal of Heating Ventilating 室内空气质量; 气相色谱法; 活性炭吸附; 【英文关键词】 volatile organic compound; indoor air quality; gas chromatography; active carbon absorption; 【摘要】 为研究办公楼装修后室内挥发性有机物的释放特性,利用活性炭吸附采样与气相色谱分析相结合的方法,跟踪监测了天津市某办公楼四个典型房间的室内污染物浓度。得出了装修后室内污染物浓度的变化规律,即污染物浓度随时间推移而降低,其间可能会由于房间温度、相对湿度和气流组织的变化而出现短暂的起伏。 【英文摘要】 In order to explore the release characteristics of the volatile organic compounds in decorated buildings, using the method of active carbon absorption combined with gas chromatographic analysis, monitors the indoor pollutant concentration in four rooms in an office building in Tianjin. Obtains the variation regularity of indoor air pollutants, that is, their concentrations decrease after decoration. However, the concentrations may go up transitorily with the variation of indoor air temperature, relative hum...
关键词:测试 研究 有机 室内 装修 the
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