全部作者:付祥钊 陈金华 熊翰
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:12
【英文篇名】 Air distribution in underground main workshop of Langya Mountain Hydroelectric Power Station 【作者中文名】 付祥钊; 陈金华; 熊翰林; 海燕; 【作者英文名】 By Fu Xiangzhao; Chen Jinhua; Xiong Hanlin and Hai YanChongqing University; Chongqing; China; 【作者单位】 重庆大学; 北京国电水利电力工程有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 主厂房; 气流组织; 顶拱非均匀送风; 热态相似模型; 【英文关键词】 hydroelectric power station; main workshop; air distribution; vault asymmetrical air supply; simulation model of thermal state; 【摘要】 在不同的送风量、送风速度、送风温度、风口个数条件下,对琅琊山抽水蓄能电站主厂房顶拱送风方式进行了热态相似模型试验研究,得到了大量数据,对比国内二滩、小湾、龙滩等巨型水电站采用的顶拱均匀送风方案,针对琅琊山电站主厂房机电设备布置特殊性,提出适合该电站主厂房的顶拱非均匀送风方案。 【英文摘要】 Based on the experimental research on the thermal state simulation model of the station, mainly focus on the different manners of vault air supply, such as different quantity, velocity and temperature of air supply and different quantity of air outlet, obtains a great deal of experimental data. Compared with the successfully used vault symmetrical air supply manner in such famous great hydroelectric power stations as Ertan, Xiaowan and Longtan, with the particularity of equipment arrangement in this project...
关键词:研究 组织 厂房 地下 水电 of
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