我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 技术交流


上传时间:2007-11-08 浏览量:54
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全部作者:李震 江亿 陈晓阳 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:1

溶液-湿空气热质交换过程的匹配研究【英文篇名】 Matching conditions for flow rate and heat in the heat and mass transfer process between humid air and liquid desiccant 【作者中文名】 李震; 江亿; 陈晓阳; 刘晓华; 【作者英文名】 By Li Zhen ★; Jiang Yi; Chen Xiaoyang and Liu Xiaohua★Tsinghua University; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 液体除湿; 流量比; 溶液; 空气处理; 【英文关键词】 heat and mass transfer; liquid dehumidification; flow rate ratio; liquid desiccant; air handling; 【摘要】 吸湿性溶液与空气的热质交换过程既有热量的交换又有质量的交换 ,提高该过程的可逆程度是提高溶液除湿空调系统性能的重要手段。在对溶液的性质进行合理简化的基础上 ,分析了溶液与空气的热质交换过程的流量比和过程需要吸收或释放的热量 ,得到在不同工况下 ,可逆过程所要求的流量比和应该补充或带走的热量。认为这一结论有助于溶液除湿空调流程的设计和相关参数的选取 【英文摘要】 In the heat and mass transfer process between liquid desiccant and air, the flow rate and heat inject/exhaust are both important factors to approach a reversible process. Focuses on the conditions that can meet the requirement of the reversible process. Sets up an ideal model of the desiccant solution, based on the mass balance and energy balance, by solving which the flow rate ratio and heat balance results can be obtained. Recommends the result to be used for determining parameters of the liquid desiccant...

关键词:研究 匹配 过程 交换 空气 the 

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李震 江亿 陈晓阳 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:研究 匹配 过程 交换 空气 the 


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