全部作者:沈翔 吴喜平 董志周
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:3
地铁活塞风特性的测试研究【英文篇名】 Character testing of piston wind in a underground railway tunnel 【作者中文名】 沈翔; 吴喜平; 董志周; 【作者英文名】 By Shen Xiang ★; Wu Xiping and Dong Zhizhou ★Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute; Shanghai; China; 【作者单位】 上海核工程研究设计院; 同济大学; 上海市政工程设计研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 地铁; 活塞风; 【英文关键词】 test; underground railway; piston wind; 【摘要】 测试了上海地铁车站内活塞风的情况,分析了所得的数据,结果表明,活塞风对车站内的气流组织产生了巨大影响,列车进站时,活塞风绝大部分进入站台,活塞风竖井基本不 起作用;列车出站时,从室外吸入的空气会使站厅层内门厅处的温度瞬间升高(夏季)或降低 (冬季)4~6℃;过渡季节可以利用活塞风竖井引入室外新风,减少能耗。 【英文摘要】 Tests the status of piston wind in a Shanghai underground railway station, analyses the data obtained, and concludes that piston wind affects air distribution in the station seriously. When a train comes, piston wind enters a station mostly and shafts do not work. When a train leaves, the temperature at the hallway increases (in summer) or decreases (in winter) by 4 to 6 ℃ due to the air brought into the station. In spring or autumn, energy can be saved by way of bringing outdoor air into stations through s...
关键词:研究 测试 特性 活塞 地铁 the
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