全部作者:韩学廷 郁刚
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:8
【英文篇名】 Comparison of energy consumption between trigeneration and cogeneration plus electricity-driven refrigeration 【作者中文名】 韩学廷; 郁刚; 【作者英文名】 By Han Xueting★ and Yu GangTianjin University of Commerce; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津商学院; 天津电机学会热电专业委员会; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 电制冷; 煤耗差; 节能判据; 【英文关键词】 combined cooling heating and power; electricity-driven refrigeration; coal consumption difference; energy saving criterion; 【摘要】 将热电冷联产与热电联产加电制冷能耗比较分解成供热、供电、供冷三种煤耗差进行分析,建立了以热电联产加电制冷为基准的三种煤耗差数学模型,探讨了煤耗差随冷热负荷的变化情况,给出了目前一般情况下热电冷联产的节能条件、判据及措施。 【英文摘要】 Breaks down the energy consumption into coal consumption for heating, power supply and cooling, and analyses the difference of coal consumption respectively. Establishes three mathematical models of coal consumption difference based on combined production of heating-power plus electricity-driven refrigeration. Discusses the relationship between the coal consumption difference and heating and cooling loads. Presents the conditions, criterion and measures of energy saving for general case at present. 【基金】 电力工业重大科学技术项目(编号:95R01
关键词:比较 分析 制冷 and
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