全部作者:陈盛 狄洪发
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:2
【英文篇名】 Heating energy consumption of building envelopes for single residential buildings 【作者中文名】 陈盛; 狄洪发; 【作者英文名】 By Chen Sheng★ and Di Hongfa; 【作者单位】 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 围护结构; 供暖; 耗热量指标; 热负荷指标; 【英文关键词】 residential building; building envelope; heating; index of heat loss; index of design load for heating; 【摘要】 对不同朝向、外形和围护结构传热系数的6种典型住宅建筑物的热特性进行逐时模拟计算,概括了描述建筑物及其内部户型的指标和参数。计算表明,建筑物或户型的供暖指标与其平均传热系数和体形系数的乘积成正比。认为根据建筑物不同朝向和房间所处位置接受的太阳辐射热及外围护结构情况,可以判断房间的供暖指标。 【英文摘要】 Simulates hourly thermal properties of six typical residential buildings with different orientations, shapes and heat transfer coefficients of building envelopes. Generalizes indices and parameters of described buildings and flat types. The result shows that the heat loss indices are in direct proportion to the product of mean transfer coefficient and shape coefficient. Considers that the heat loss indices can be judged according to the orientation of buildings, receivable solar radiation and building envel...
关键词:分析 结构 住宅 建筑 of and
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