全部作者:付峥嵘 李念平 汤广
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:9
季节性含水层储能系统在住宅中的应用 【英文篇名】 Application of seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage systems to residential buildings 【作者中文名】 付峥嵘; 李念平; 汤广发; 龚光彩; 【作者英文名】 By Fu Zhengrong Hunan University; Changsha; China; Li Nianping; Tang Guangfa and Gong Guangcai; 【作者单位】 湖南大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 住宅; 空调; 模拟; 【英文关键词】 aquifer thermal energy storage; residential building; air conditioning; simulation; 【摘要】 提出一种含水层储能的住宅集中空调系统。在分析含水层储能的数学模型及其离散算法的基础上 ,编制了计算机模拟程序 ,利用该程序对影响含水层储能效果的若干因素进行了模拟计算 ,认为集中回灌比分散回灌效果好 ;在回灌热量一定的情况下 ,小流量大温差运行效果较好 ;地质条件对系统热效率和抽水温差有影响。 【英文摘要】 Presents a central air conditioning system utilizing the aquifer thermal energy storage system. Based on a numerical model and its discrete solution, developing a computer program, simulates and calculates some factors affecting the energy storage effect of aquifer. The results show that centralized injection is better than separated one,and that operation effect is better in the way of small flow rate and large temperature difference when injection heat quantity is constant, and that geological conditions ...
关键词:应用 住宅 系统 季节 and
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