全部作者:魏巧丽 张欢 杨斌
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:12
天津地区住宅建筑南向遮阳板构型设计【英文篇名】 Shape design of south window shade plates in residential buildings in Tianjin 【作者中文名】 魏巧丽; 张欢; 杨斌; 由世俊; 【作者英文名】 By Wei Qiaoli; Zhang Huan; Yang Bin and You Shijun Tianjin University; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 太阳辐射; 能耗; 【英文关键词】 shade plate; solar radiation; energy consumption; 【摘要】 根据天津地区典型气象年的气象资料,研究了该地区住宅建筑南向遮阳板的构型尺寸,认为在夏季遮挡的太阳能与冬季获得的太阳能之差为最大时,遮阳板宽宜取0.6-1.0 m,遮阳板距窗户上沿的距离宜取0.5-0.9 m;为便于散热和减小自重,建议遮阳板通气槽宽度小于等于1.28倍遮阳板的厚度。 【英文摘要】 According to the meteorological data of typical meteorological year in Tianjin, studies the shape and size of south window shade plates. Considers that the width of the shade plates is preferably 0. 6 meter to 1.0 meter and the distance between the plates and the top edge of the windows is preferably 0. 5 meter to 0.9 meter in order to obtain maximum difference between the solar energy kept out in summer and that gained in winter. Suggests that the width of air slot on the plate be equal or less than 1.28 t...
关键词:设计 建筑 住宅 地区 the 遮阳
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