全部作者:张泠 汤广发 陈友明
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2002 期数:2
建筑墙体表面传热系数辨识研究 【英文篇名】 System identification of wall surface heat transfer coefficient 【作者中文名】 张泠; 汤广发; 陈友明; 张楠; 【作者英文名】 By Zhang Ling; Zhang Nan; Tang Guangfa and Chen Youming; 【作者单位】 湖南大学; 中南大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 换热过程; 传热系数; 辅助变量法; 风速; 风向; 【英文关键词】 inside wall surface; heat transfer process; he at transfer coefficient; assisted variable method; wind speed; wind direction; 【摘要】 对实验房间南向墙体内表面中心区域的换热过程进行实验 ,发现当风速在 0~ 5 .5m/s之间时 ,表面传热系数在 8~ 1 8W/(m2 ·K)之间波动 ,而风向对墙体表面传热系数影响不大 ;用辅助变量法分析墙体表面传热过程 ,并结合实验推导出墙体表面传热系数。模型的预测结果与实测结果吻合良好。 【英文摘要】 Makes experiments on heat transfer process i ns ide surface of the south wall of an experiment room. Finds that the surface heat transfer coefficient varies from 8 to 18 W/(m 2·K) with wind speeds rangi ng from 0 to 5.5 m/s, and the wind direction has a minor effect on the surface h eat transfer coefficient. Analyses the process of wall surface heat transfer coe fficient by means of an assisted variable method and deduces it from experiments . Calculation results well conform to the measured ones.
关键词:研究 系数 表面 建筑 transfer
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