文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:1
空调大温差研究(4):空调冷水大温差系统经济分析 【英文篇名】 Research of large temperature difference in air conditioning (4): an economical analysis of the system with a large temperature difference between supply and return water 【作者中文名】 殷平; 【作者英文名】 By Yin PingHunan University; China; 【作者单位】 湖南大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 大温差; 经济分析; 【英文关键词】 chilled water system; large temperature difference; economical analysis ; 【摘要】 对空调冷水大温差系统的经济性进行了分析。结果表明 :当冷水机组冷水初温等于或大于 7℃时 ,1 0℃温差与 5℃温差时冷水机组的能耗基本相同 ,而蒸发器压降明显减小 ;冷水系统采用 1 0℃温差较 5℃温差冷水量减少一半 ,水泵能耗减少 ,水系统一次投资减少 ;即使空调机组一次投资略有增加 ,空调水系统的一次投资可减少 5%左右 ,空调水系统运行费用减少 30 %左右。建议在应用空调大温差技术的同时使用大温差专用空调机组。 【英文摘要】 Analyses the large temperature difference chilled water systems. Results show that when outlet water temperature of the chiller is equal or over 7℃, for 10℃ and 5℃ temperature differences, the energy consumption of the chiller are nearly equal, the loss of head of evaporator reduces obviously; and the chilled water quantity reduces by half, the energy consumption of water pumps cuts down, the initial investment is lower when using 10℃ temperature difference than 5℃. Even if the initial investment in air con...
关键词:空调 系统 研究 the
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