全部作者:薛志峰 江亿
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:6
【英文篇名】 Fresh air issue in air conditioning system design 【作者中文名】 薛志峰; 江亿; 【作者英文名】 By Xue Zhifeng ★ and Jiang YiTsinghua Tongfang Co.; Ltd; China; 【作者单位】 清华同方股份有限公司; 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 新风量分配; 节能; 【英文关键词】 VAV; fresh air distribution; energy saving; 【摘要】 以某写字楼为例 ,分析了变风量系统中不同分区形式对各朝向房间的人均新风量分配的影响 ,认为新风量分配不均的情况主要出现在冬季和过渡季 ,提出满足所有朝向房间人员健康要求同时能实现过渡季利用新风节能的新风量设计标准 ;建议在建筑设计中增加新风竖井面积 ,在空调外区适当增加最小新风量的取值。 【英文摘要】 Taking an office building as an example, analyses the influence of zoning on the fresh air rate per person in rooms of different exposure of a building with the VAV air conditioning system. Considers that imbalanced fresh air distribution usually occurs in winter and transient seasons. Puts forward a fresh air rate design criterion satisfying occupants in all rooms with different orients and saving energy in transient seasons. Proposes that the area of fresh air shaft and the value of minimum fresh air rate...
关键词:问题 系统 空调 air 新风 fresh
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