全部作者:龙惟定 潘毅群 白玮
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:4
【英文篇名】 Ecological environment inside intelligent buildings 【作者中文名】 龙惟定; 潘毅群; 白玮; 【作者英文名】 By Long Weiding; Pan Yiqun and Bai Wei; 【作者单位】 同济大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 生态环境; 室内环境品质; 控制策略; 【英文关键词】 intelligent building; ecological environment; indoor environment quality; control strategy; 【摘要】 从智能建筑和室内生态环境的概念出发 ,论述了保证智能建筑室内环境品质的基本原则 ,介绍了选用节能窗、建筑外遮阳板等被动式和采用置换通风、冷辐射吊顶等主动式方法 ,在智能建筑内创造良好的生态环境、保证室内环境品质的途径 ,提出对建筑自动化系统中环境品质控制的建议 【英文摘要】 Describes the principles for maintaining adequate indoor environment quality from the concepts of intelligent buildings and indoor ecological environment. Presents the ways to create a good ecological environment and to ensure IEQ in the intelligent building by using active methods such as energy saving windows and outside sun shading and passive methods such as displacement ventilation, cooling ceiling etc. Puts forward the control strategy of IEQ in a building automation system.
关键词:生态环境 室内 the and
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