全部作者:陈雷田 杨海春
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:5
抽水蓄能电站与蓄冰空调 【英文篇名】 Pumped storage power station and ice storage air conditioning 【作者中文名】 陈雷田; 杨海春; 【作者英文名】 By Chen Leitian and Yang Haichun?Zhejiang Hangjia Refrigeration Equipment Installation Co.; China; 【作者单位】 浙江杭佳制冷设备安装有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 蓄冰空调; 负荷转移; 【英文关键词】 pumped storage power station; ice storage air conditioning; power load shifting; 【摘要】 抽水蓄能电站与蓄冰空调都可以实现削峰填谷、平衡电网负荷的目的。介绍了国内部分蓄能电站的建设情况 ,并以杭州某蓄冰工程为例 ,从一次性投资、投资回收期两方面分析了二者的特点 ,认为为改善电网不平衡现状 ,近期应二者并重 ,共同发展 【英文摘要】 Both pumped storage power stations and ice storage air conditioning can level the eclectric power loads. Presents some pumped storage power stations in China. Taking an ice storage air conditioning project in Hangzhou as an example, analyses the characteristic of the pumped storage power station and ice storage air conditioning from the initial investment and investment recovery period. Holds that to improve power network operation, the two methods should be equally promoted.
关键词:空调 storage power and air
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