全部作者:徐景峰 周亚素
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2000 期数:2
转轮除湿用于冷却顶板空调系统的探讨 【英文篇名】 Application of the rotary dehumidifier in a cooling ceiling system 【作者中文名】 徐景峰; 周亚素; 【作者英文名】 By Xu Jingfeng and Zhou Yasu; 【作者单位】 东华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 冷却顶板; 冷却除湿; 【英文关键词】 rotary dehumidifier; cooling ceiling; cooling dehumidification; 【摘要】 通过理论计算分析 ,发现在低湿环境下冷却去湿与冷却顶板结合的空调系统存在机器露点过低和需要较大再热量的不利因素 ,但把转轮除湿与冷却顶板空调系统相结合则不仅可以克服这些不利因素 ,还可以降低能耗、节省运行费用、增强冷却顶板空调系统节能效果、提高湿度控制精度。 【英文摘要】 By theoretical analyses and comparison, finds out some disadvantages in the cooling ceiling system with cooling dehumidification in low humidity environment, such as too low apparatus dew point and rather large reheat amount. States that combined application of a rotary dehumidifier with the cooling ceiling system not only can eliminate these disadvantages but also have some other advantages such as reducing energy consumption, saving running costs, enhancing the effect of energy saving of the cooling ceili...
关键词:探讨 系统 空调 用于 冷却
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