文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1997 期数:2
【英文篇名】 Using variable speed pumps and fans to replace control valves and dampers 【作者中文名】 江亿; 【作者英文名】 By Jiang Yi; 【作者单位】 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 水系统; 风系统; 泵; 风机; 【英文关键词】 inverter regulation; water system; air system; pump; fan; 【摘要】 通过5个工程实例,探讨在供热空调系统中利用变速风机和变速泵代替调节用风阀水阀实现风和水系统的调节的可能性。分析表明,这样做可以节省运行能耗,同时改善系统的调节品质,系统的初投资一般也不会增加。水泵和风机能耗约占供热空调系统总能耗的40%,这些能耗中的1/3左右被各种调节阀门所消耗,但这样大的代价并没有换来好的调节效果,反而导致系统中许多问题发生。采用变速风机和变速泵充当调节手段,可节省这部分能耗,并可解决许多调节中的困难。 【英文摘要】 Balancing in HVAC systems by a huge number of valves and dampers which serve as regulating devices, is realised at a price of consuming the large amount of over supplied energy by the main fan or pump. The basic idea of the approach presented here is to reduce the head of the main fan or pump to the degree only enough for balancing the pressure drop along the trunk pipeline and to replenish the additional head with the variable speed fan and pump on each branch where the regulating valve and damper are othe...
关键词:调节 代替 the 系统 and qr op
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