全部作者:李统富 刘祥宇
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11
摘要: 通过分析空调冷、热水泵输送的热量、流量、扬程、电动机功率等数据,对低效率、高能耗运行的水泵进行了并网或转换运行模式的改造,使水泵年运行能耗降低了35%,取得了一定的经济效益。 关键词: 节能改造 空调 水泵 并网运行模式 Energy saving reformation of central air conditioning water pumps of a company By Li Tongfu★ and Liu Xiangyu Abstract By analysing the testing data of heat, flow rate, head and power of air conditioning cold/hot water pumps, improves the pumps with low efficiency and high energy consumption by means of incorporating network or changing the operation mode, reducing the annual energy consumption of the pumps about 35 percent and obtains certain economical benefit. Keywords energy saving reformation, air conditioning water pump, incorporating network, operation mode
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