全部作者:龙惟定 白玮 张蓓红
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2002 期数:4
中国住宅空调的未来发展 【英文篇名】 Future development of China's residential air conditioning 【作者中文名】 龙惟定; 白玮; 张蓓红; 【作者英文名】 Long Weiding; Bai Wei and Zhang Beihong Tongji University; China; 【作者单位】 同济大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 空调; 区域集中供冷供热; 冷热电联产; 【英文关键词】 housing; air conditioning; district heating/cooling; cogeneration of heating/cooling and power; 【摘要】 以上海住宅建设和家用空调的发展为例 ,分析了住宅空调对能源和环境的影响。指出今后在中国大城市中 ,应以发展区域集中供冷供热、冷热电联产为主 ;而在中小城市或城市郊区 ,应以发展所谓“户式空调”为主 ;在单身公寓或合租公寓中 ,则应以使用房间空调器为主。以利于合理使用能源、减少温室气体排放和促进房地产业的可持续发展。 【英文摘要】 With the example of Shanghai,analyses the impacts of residential air conditioning on energy resources and environment.Considers that in the future residential air conditioning in large cities should be directed toward district heating/cooling and cogeneration of heating/cooling and power while in middle and small cities or suburb areas,the so called household air conditioning should be promoted and for apartments for singles or shared occupancy,the room air conditioners are desirable, and that these ways a...
关键词:发展 未来 空调 住宅 and air
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