全部作者:付圣东 刘金祥 陆桂
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2007 期数:12
【英文篇名】 Experimental research for improving performance of air-source heat pumps in low ambient temperature 【作者中文名】 付圣东; 刘金祥; 陆桂良; 施建忠; 【作者英文名】 Fu Shengdong; Liu Jinxiang; Lu Guiliang and Shi Jianzhong Nanjing University of Technology; Nanjing; China; 【作者单位】 南京工业大学; 小天鹅中央空调有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 旁通毛细管; 气液分离器; 换热器; 低温性能; 【英文关键词】 air-source heat pump; auxiliary capillary; gas-liquid separator; heat exchanger; low ambient temperature performance; 【摘要】 针对空气源热泵低温性能欠佳的原因,对原型机进行了改进,增加了旁通毛细管和换热器两个部分,通过实验测试,对比了改造前后系统的制热量、能效比以及吸排气压力,结果表明空气源热泵的低温性能有了一定的提高。 【英文摘要】 Viewing the performance decrease of air-source heat pumps in low ambient temperature,reforms the prototype machine by adding the two parts of auxiliary capillary and heat exchanger.Compares by testing the heat output,energy efficiency ratio and suction/discharge pressure with those of the prototype machine.The results show that the performance of air-source heat pump in low ambient temperature is improved to some extent.
关键词:实验 研究 性能 空气 提高 heat
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