全部作者:杜雁霞 程宝义 贾代勇
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:11
【英文篇名】 Optimal design of packed bed for phase change material cool storage 【作者中文名】 杜雁霞; 程宝义; 贾代勇; 茅靳丰; 袁艳平; 【作者英文名】 By Du Yanxia~★; Cheng Baoyi; Jia Daiyong; Mao Jinfeng and Yuan YanpingPLA University of Science Nanjing; China; 【作者单位】 解放军理工大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 蓄冷; 堆积床; 优化设计; 【英文关键词】 phase change material; cool storage; packed bed; optimal design; 【摘要】 根据相变材料蓄冷堆积床的传热特性,提出了一种堆积床的优化设计方法。以一种新型相变材料为蓄冷媒介,以堆积床的总费用为优化目标,以蓄冷量、蓄冷时间及载冷流体温度作为约束条件建立优化模型,得出了给定蓄冷量条件下系统初投资和年运行费用总和最低时的蓄冷单元数量、定性尺寸和换热流体温差等优化参数。定量分析了谷峰电价比对系统运行电费的影响。 【英文摘要】 Presents an optimal design method for PCM(phase change material) packed bed based on the heat transfer characteristics.With a new PCM as a cool storage medium, the total cost of the apparatus and the annual operating charge as the objective function,cool storage load,charging time and temperature of the cooling liquid as constrains,sets up an optimal model.Calculates the optimal parameters including the number,dimension of storage units and the temperature difference of heat transfer fluid under the lowest ...
关键词:设计 优化 材料 the of storage
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