全部作者:刘芳 朱能 田喆
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:2
【英文篇名】 Noise measurements and analyses of under-seat cylindrical perforated outlets 【作者中文名】 刘芳; 朱能; 田喆; 【作者英文名】 By Liu Fang★; Zhu Neng and Tian Zhe ★Tianjin University; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 噪声; A声级; 噪声评价数; 频谱分析; 允许标准; 【英文关键词】 under-seated cylindrical perforated outlet; noise; A-weighted sound pressure level; noise rating number; spectral analysis; allowable criterion; 【摘要】 通过对剧院座椅下圆柱型多孔送风器噪声的测试及其结果分析,指出这种送风器的噪声能符合剧院允许噪声标准,可以在剧院空调中应用。 【英文摘要】 According to noise measurements and their result analyses of the under-seat cylindrical perforated outlets, presents that the manner of air supply meets the allowable noise criterion and can be applied to the HVAC of theatres.
关键词:分析 测试 噪声 noise of and
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