全部作者:朱培根 朱颖心
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:3
【英文篇名】 Study on fresh air of passenger carriage in underground railway 【作者中文名】 朱培根; 朱颖心; 【作者英文名】 By Zhu Peigen~★ and Zhu Yingxin★PLA University of Science and Technology; Nanjing; China; 【作者单位】 解放军理工大学; 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Journal of Heating Ventilating 屏蔽门; CO2浓度; 新风量; 【英文关键词】 underground railway; shielding door; CO_2 concentration; fresh air; 【摘要】 通过对有屏蔽门时地铁隧道和车厢内CO2浓度的建模与分析指出,在冬季如关闭地铁线各车站轨顶站台底的排风机,仅依靠活塞风,在早晚高峰时期能满足隧道中的温度要求,但不能满足列车内人员的卫生要求。经计算得出,最不利段隧道内早晚高峰时最小新风量为41 m3/s,此值正好与车站轨顶站台底排风机风量相吻合,说明有屏蔽门时早晚高峰时必须开启车站轨顶站台底的排风机。 【英文摘要】 Based on the modeling and analysis of the CO_2 concentration in the tunnels and underground railway with shielding doors,points out that,in winter,with air exhausters on the top of the tracks and at the bottom of the platforms along the railway stations closed and piston air functioning only,the temperature condition can,but the fresh air can not,be satisfied in the tunnels during morning and evening rush hours.The calculation comes out that the least fresh air required in the most unfavorable tunnel during...
关键词:研究 人员 地铁 the and of air
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