全部作者:高明亮 宋玲
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:1
青源热力站及供热管网改造设计 【英文篇名】 Reform design of Qingyuan heat exchanger station and heating network 【作者中文名】 高明亮; 宋玲; 【作者英文名】 By Gao Mingliang and Song Ling Inner Mongolia Institute of Architectural Design Hohhot; Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; China; 【作者单位】 内蒙古建筑勘察设计研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 环状供热管网; 枝状供热管网; 水压图; 【英文关键词】 heat exchanger station; ring-shaped heating network; tree-shaped heating network; pressure diagram; 【摘要】 根据工程实际情况 ,采用枝状供热管网替代环状供热管网并充分利用原有设备及管道的改造方案 ,既满足了改扩建后供暖系统的温度要求 ,又节省了初投资。 【英文摘要】 According to circumstances of the project, adopts the reform scheme of substituting tree-shaped for ring-shaped heating network and taking full use of existing equipment and piping. It can satisfy the temperature demand of the heating system and reduce initial investment.
关键词:设计 改造 热力 of heating and
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