全部作者:刘贵廷 霍尚龙
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11
摘要: 介绍了该系统的改造方案。在湿负荷计算基础上初选除湿设备,进而校核实际除湿量和洞库内空气参数。介绍了机房布置、系统运行模式、自动控制及消声减振等。 关键词 :温度 相对湿度 通风 Retrofit design of ventilation and dehumidification system for an underground project By Liu Guiting★ and Huo Shanglong Abstract Presents the retrofit scheme. Selects preliminarily the dehumidifying equipment based on the moisture load, and checks the actual moisture removal and air parameter inside the cave storage. Provides the machine room layout, operating mode of the system, automatic control and noise reduction and vibration isolation. Keywords temperature, relative humidity, ventilation ★Beihai Institute of Engineering Design Under the Navy, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
关键词:温度 相对湿度 通风
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