我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 运行管理


上传时间:2007-11-19 浏览量:153
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全部作者:朱红兵 黄允飞 邱作 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:9

集中供暖主管道腐蚀速率测定及防腐方法 【英文篇名】 Corrosion rate measurement and anticorrosion measures of carbon steel pipeline in central heating systems 【作者中文名】 朱红兵; 黄允飞; 邱作霖; 陈晓红; 焦建峰; 沙聪亮; 蒋义; 【作者英文名】 By Zhu HongbingChina Jiuquan Satellite Lanch Center; Jiuquan; Gansu Province; China; Huang Yunfei; Qiu Zuolin; Chen Xiaohong; Jiao Jianfeng; Sha Congliang and Jiang Yi; 【作者单位】 中国酒泉卫星发射中心; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 碳钢; 腐蚀; 除氧; 水质; pH值; 【英文关键词】 pipeline; carbon steel; corrosion; deoxygenization; water quality; pH value; 【摘要】 通过试验对集中供暖系统在运行状态和停暖状态下主管道碳钢内表面腐蚀速率分别进行了测定 ,并指出了危害程度。提出了通过调控热网补充水的 pH值和改变除氧方式来解决运行中的腐蚀问题 ,通过添加新型高效除氧剂丙酮肟来解决停运后的腐蚀问题的方法 【英文摘要】 Measures experimentally the inner surface corrosion rate of carbon steel pipeline during operation and suspending period respectively,and points out the deterioration degree. Proposes two solutions, the first is controlling the pH value of the complementary water and changing the deoxygenization method to solve the corrosion problem during operation, and the second is adding new efficient deoxidant of acetone oxime to solve the corrosion problem during suspending period.

关键词:测定 方法 主管 集中 the and 

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朱红兵 黄允飞 邱作 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:测定 方法 主管 集中 the and 


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