全部作者:李兆坚 江亿
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:8
【英文篇名】 Characteristics of cooling load and energy consumption of air conditioning in residential buildings in Beijing 【作者中文名】 李兆坚; 江亿; 【作者英文名】 Li Zhaojian~★Tsinghua University; Beijing; China and Jiang Yi; 【作者单位】 清华大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 间歇空调; 冷负荷; 能耗; 模拟; 北京; 【英文关键词】 residential building; intermittent air conditioning; cooling load; energy consumption; simulation; Beijing; 【摘要】 采用调查和模拟相结合的方法,对北京市城镇住宅间歇空调的冷负荷和能耗特性进行了分析研究。结果表明,住宅间歇空调的冷负荷和能耗特性与连续空调大不相同,现有的逐时空调冷负荷设计算法的误差较大;提高建筑围护结构保温性能对减少空调负荷和能耗的效果不明显,并可能起到相反作用;提高空调室温可以使空调能耗显著减少,空调室温提高1℃,一个空调季空调耗电量(按建筑面积计算)约减少1.4 kWh/m2;按照目前北京市的电价和空调器价格,节能型分体壁挂式空调器寿命周期的综合费用要比普通空调器多1 000多元。 【英文摘要】 Studies the characteristics based on simulation and survey.The results show that the characteristics of intermittent air conditioning are quite different from those of continuous air conditioning,and the present design calculation method of hourly cooling load has a notable error in the calculation of air conditioning cooling load in residential buildings;to improve the thermal insulation performance of building envelope is not an effective method to reduce the cooling load and energy consumption of air con...
关键词:特性 研究 住宅 空调 北京市
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