全部作者:吴凌浩 徐士鸣
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:10
【英文篇名】 Operating characteristics of an open energy storage system for desiccant air conditioning 【作者中文名】 吴凌浩; 徐士鸣; 【作者英文名】 By Wu Linghao~ and Xu ShimingDalian University of Technology; Dalian; Liaoning Province; China; 【作者单位】 大连理工大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 能量转换; 充能; 释能; 氯化锂溶液; 数值模拟; 【英文关键词】 open energy storage system for desiccant air conditioning; energy transformation; energy charge; energy discharge; LiCl solution; numerical simulation; 【摘要】 以采用变质量能量转换及储存技术和氯化锂溶液的开式蓄能除湿空调系统为研究对象,介绍了系统的工作循环和流程,建立了系统充、释能过程动态模型。以我国南方高湿地区具有独立新风系统的办公建筑除湿空调工况为例,对该蓄能系统按全量蓄能策略运行时的工作过程进行了数值模拟,得到了系统运行参数和工作特性及各设备工作特性参数随运行时间和外部条件的变化关系。 【英文摘要】 The system involves variable mass energy transformation and storage technology and uses LiCl solution as working fluid.Presents the operating principle and flow process of the system.Develops a dynamic model of energy charge and discharge processes.Taking a typical office building with dedicated outdoor air system located at highly humid South China as an example,numerically simulates the system operation modes under the full storage strategy,and finds the variations of operation parameters and operating ch...
关键词:特性 研究 工作 系统 空调 and
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