全部作者:许钟麟 张益昭 王清
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:4
【英文篇名】 Study on isolation effects of isolation wards (2) 【作者中文名】 许钟麟; 张益昭; 王清勤; 温风; 刘华; 赵力; 冯昕; 张彦国; 王荣; 牛维乐; 狄彦强; 姚丹; 于玺华; 易新文; 欧燕川; 卢伟明; 【作者英文名】 By Xu Zhonglin~; Zhang Yizhao; Wang Qingqin; Wen Feng; Liu Hua; Zhao Li; Feng Xin; Zhang Yanguo; Wang Rong; Niu Weile; Di Yanqiang; Yao Dan; Yu Xihua; Yi Xinwen; Ou Yanchuan and Lu Weiming★Institute of Air Conditioning; China Academy of Building Research; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 中国建筑科学研究院; 中国人民解放军第302医院; 广东申菱空调设备有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 隔离效果; 压差; 大气尘; 实验菌种; 污染物外泄浓度比; 【英文关键词】 isolation ward; isolation effect; pressure difference; atmospheric dust; experimental culture; leakage concentration ratio of contamination; 【摘要】 分析了国外文献中对压差作用的认识和压差设定值。分别用大气尘法和实验菌种法对压差和污染物外泄量的关系进行了实验研究,结果显示压差从0变到-6Pa,污染物外泄浓度比仅减少0.03左右;而从-6Pa变到-30Pa,污染物外泄浓度比基本不变。建议隔离病房相对缓冲室的压差设定为-5Pa。 【英文摘要】 Analyses the cognition to pressure difference function and the pressure difference values recommended in foreign literatures. Experimentally studies the relation of the pressure difference and leakage rate of contaminations separately by atmospheric dust method and experimental culture method. The results show that the leakage concentration ratio of contaminations decreases about 0.03 when the pressure difference changes from 0 to -6 Pa and that the leakage concentration ratio almost keep the same value whe...
关键词:隔离 研究 效果 the of
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