全部作者:纪秀玲 王保国 刘淑
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:12
出汗状态下人体热感觉的预测及评价【英文篇名】 Forecast and evaluation of human thermal sensation under sweating 【作者中文名】 纪秀玲; 王保国; 刘淑艳; 戴自祝; 【作者英文名】 By Ji Xiuling; Wang Baoguo; Liu Shuyon and Dai Zizhu Beijing Institute of Technology; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 北京理工大学; 中国疾病预防控制中心环境所; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 热损失; 出汗模拟; 人体热感觉; 【英文关键词】 simulator; heat loss; sweating simulation; human thermal sensation; 【摘要】 设计了包括模拟人体干热损失的模拟体和温度控制电路在内的一套热舒适评价装置,验证了模拟体表面温度和产热量的稳定性。实验测试表明模拟皮肤表面温度下降率与皮肤湿度线性相关。结合上海、江苏两地的热舒适状况实测结果,提出了一个人体出汗状态下的热感觉预测模型。 【英文摘要】 Designs a set of equipment including the simulator of human dry heat loss and the temperature control circuit to evaluate thermal comfort. Validates the stability of the surface temperature and the heat loss of the simulator. The experimental results indicate that it is linear correlation between the fall rate of simulated skin temperature and skin humidity. Puts forward a model to predict human thermal sensation under sweating according to the field studies of thermal comfort in Shanghai and Jiangsu.
关键词:评价 预测 感觉 人体 状态 the
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