全部作者:许钟麟 张益昭 张彦
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2007 期数:10
【英文篇名】 Discussion on minimum sample flow rate—one of the series of research practice of the national standard task group for Code for cleanroom construction and acceptance test 【作者中文名】 许钟麟; 张益昭; 张彦国; 牛维乐; 【作者英文名】 Xu Zhonglin; Zhang Yizhao; Zhang Yanguo and Niu WeileChina Academy of Building Research; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 中国建筑科学研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 粒子计数器; 非零检验原则; 最少总粒子数原则; 【英文关键词】 minimum sample flow rate; particle counter; nonzero test principle; minimum total particle population principle; 【摘要】 介绍了国内基于非零检验原则的方法和国外基于最少总粒子数原则的方法,根据两种方法计算了粒子计数器的最小采样量。结果表明,国内提出的方法更合理、安全,比国外方法计算结果大50%。 【英文摘要】 Presents the method based on nonzero test principle proposed in China and the method based on minimum total particle population principle proposed abroad. Calculates the minimum sample flow rate of particle counter by the two methods. The result shows that the domestic method is more reasonable and safe, and its result is 50% larger than that of the foreign method.
关键词:施工 验收 规范 编制 最小 问题
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