全部作者:陈滨 彭菲菲 郭丽燕
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2003 期数:4
大连沈阳夏季室内热湿环境状况的实测调查 【英文篇名】 Survey of indoor thermal and humid environment in Dalian and Shenyang in summer 【作者中文名】 陈滨; 彭菲菲; 郭丽燕; 【作者英文名】 By Chen Bin ★; Peng Feifei and Guo Liyan; 【作者单位】 大连理工大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 实测调查; 室外气候条件; 【英文关键词】 indoor thermal and humid environment; field measurement; outdoor climate conditions; 【摘要】 通过对大连市和沈阳市 8套住宅夏季室内温湿度的实测调查 ,分析了室外气候条件、住宅形式、人员活动及空调设备使用情况对室内热湿环境的影响 ,为了解目前北方地区现有住宅夏季室内热湿环境状况提供了参考。 【英文摘要】 Based on field measurements of indoor temperature and humidity in eight residential buildings of Dalian and Shenyang in summer, analyses the influences of outdoor climate conditions, residential building type, occupant activity and air conditioning usage on indoor thermal and humid environment and provides references for understanding indoor thermal and humid environment of existing residential buildings in north areas in summer.
关键词:调查 状况 环境 夏季 室内 沈阳
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