文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2003 期数:5
关于SARS医院空调通风系统的思考与设计实践 【英文篇名】 Consideration and design of air conditioning and ventilation systems for SARS hospitals 【作者中文名】 伍小亭; 【作者英文名】 Wu Xiaoting Tianjin Architectural Design Institute; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津市建筑设计院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv SARS; 隔离病房; 新风换气次数; 压差; 【英文关键词】 air conditioning and ventilation system; SARS; isolation wand; fresh air changes; pressure difference; 【摘要】 依据两所收治SARS患者医院的设计实践,提出了空调通风系统针对SARS医院病区的设计理念;评价了不同形式空调通风系统在SARS医院中应用的优缺点和适用条件;分析了目前尚无规范指导的负压病房最小新风换气次数和压差控制值并给出了推荐数据;还提供了一个相关设计实例。 【英文摘要】 Based on the practice of designing two SARS hospitals, presents the principles In the system design for the isolation ward units;Evaluates the pros and cons of various air conditioning and ventilation systems possibly used in the hospital and accommodates their applicable conditions; Analyses the minimum fresh air quantity in air changes and the negative pressure differential of isolation wards and recommends a value for design reference when there is no regulation data available for present time; Presents ...
关键词:思考 设计 实践 系统 医院 空调
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