全部作者:董小勇 郭宪民 汪伟
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2008 期数:3
【英文篇名】 Development and application of a multifunctional ice storage experimental apparatus 【作者中文名】 董小勇; 郭宪民; 汪伟华; 【作者英文名】 Dong Xiaoyong; Guo Xianmin and Wang Weihua Tianjin University of Commerce; Tianjin; China; 【作者单位】 天津商业大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 空气源/水源热泵; 蓄冰; 融冰; 实验装置; 【英文关键词】 ice storage; air-source/water-source heat pump; storing ice; melting ice; experimental apparatus; 【摘要】 该实验装置集成了冰蓄冷系统及空气源/水源热泵冷热水系统形式,可完成三种蓄冰/融冰性能实验及空气源/水源热泵冷热水机组供冷、供热实验。介绍了实验装置的构成和功能,以及实验参数的测量和实验工况的控制。初步实验结果表明,实验台工况控制稳定可靠,参数测量精度较高。 【英文摘要】 The experimental apparatus integrates ice storage system and chilled/hot water system of air-source/water-source heat pump, and can be used to conduct three kinds of storing/melting ice experiments and heat pump cooling/heating experiments. Presents its constitution and functions, and measurement of experimental parameters and control of experimental work conditions. The preliminary experimental results indicate that control of work conditions is steady and reliable, and the measured parameters are relative...
关键词:研制 应用 装置 实验 空调 and
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