全部作者:段西超 阮秀英 黄清
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11
摘要: 阐述了空调焓时数作为分区指标的合理性和必要性,通过经验和极差确定了合理的分区范围。以空调焓时数作为分区指标,运用模糊聚类分析法得出空调气候分区,为空调新风焓控方式提供了指导。 关键词 :焓时数 模糊聚类分析 粗糙集 可信度 分区 Study of air conditioning climatic zoning based on enthalpy?hours By Duan Xichao★, Ruan Xiuying, Huang Qinghua and Ding Lixing Abstract Presents the rationality and necessity of using enthalpy?hours as the zoning index, and gets the reasonable range through the experience and extreme differences. With the enthalpy?hours and a fuzzy clustering analysis, gives the air conditioning climatic zoning,which can be used as a reference for the fresh air enthalpy control. Keywords enthalpy?hour, fuzzy clustering analysis, rough set, degree of belief, zoning
关键词:焓时数 模糊聚类分析 粗糙集 可
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