我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专题研讨


上传时间:2010-03-08 浏览量:127
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全部作者:许钟麟 张益昭 曹国庆 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2

摘要: 提出把空气净化装置主要设于回风口以拒尘、菌的主动式污染控制理念和方法,得出这样的装置必需具备三个必要条件:初阻力不大于20 Pa,滤菌效率不小于90%,除尘计重效率不小于95%(或对于粒径大于等于0.5 m微粒的计数效率不小于70%)。 关键词 :空气净化装置,主动式污染控制,回风口,初阻力,过滤效率 Three essential conditions of return air inlet cleaning devices for controlling contamination: part 3 of the research series of the relationship between contamination control and energy efficiency of air cleaning systems By Xu Zhonglin★, Zhang Yizhao, Cao Guoqing, Sun Ning and Pan Honghong Abstract :Provides an initiative contamination control concept and method with return air inlet cleaning devices to prevent airborne particles and microbes from entering air ducts, from which concludes the three essential conditions of the cleaning devices: the preliminary resistance should be not greater than 20 Pa; the filtration efficiency of microorganism should be not less than 90%; and the weighing filtration efficiency of dust should be not less than 95% or the counting filtration efficiency for the particles of not smaller than 0.5 m should be not less than 70%. Keywords :air cleaning device, initiative contamination control, return air inlet, preliminary resistance, filtration efficiency ★China Academy of Building Research, Beijing, China

关键词:空气净化装置 主动式污染控制  

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许钟麟 张益昭 曹国庆 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:空气净化装置 主动式污染控制  


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