全部作者:许钟麟 张益昭 张彦国
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2007 期数:9
【英文篇名】 Analysis on background environment cleanliness of class 100 filling zone in pharmaceutical workshops 【作者中文名】 许钟麟; 张益昭; 张彦国; 冯昕; 潘红红; 【作者英文名】 Xu Zhonglin★; Zhang Yizhao; Zhang Yanguo; Feng Xin and Pan Honghong★ China Academy of Building Research; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 中国建筑科学研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating A区、B区灌装; 制药车间; 【英文关键词】 GMP; class A and class B filling zone; pharmaceutical workshop; 【摘要】 从工艺和净化两方面分析了欧盟GMP洁净级别划分中B级的设置,认为B级静态条件下洁净度定为百级是没有必要的,静态条件下洁净度万级就可以满足欧盟GMP和ISO14644中A区沉降菌小于1个/(4h)的要求。建议在修订我国GMP时可向国际标准靠拢,即B区静态级别不定,只定动态万级或为高于万级的某级。 【英文摘要】 Analyses the class B specified in European GMP from both production requirement and clean technology.Considers that it is not necessary to set class B to meet the cleanliness of class 100 at static status.As long as the controlled clean zone could reach the cleanliness of class 10 000 at static status,the CFU test results could satisfy the requirements of both ISO 14644 SPC and European GMP,i.e.less than one CFU for four hours in class A zone.Proposes referring the international standard in revising China's...
关键词:级别 设置 分析 环境 背景 制药
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