全部作者:龙惟定 白玮
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:5
【英文篇名】 Challenge of power supply shortage to HVAC industry in China 【作者中文名】 龙惟定; 白玮; 【作者英文名】 By Long Weiding ★and Bai Wei★ Tongji University; Shanghai; China; 【作者单位】 同济大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 空调; 节电; 【英文关键词】 power supply shortage; air conditioning; electric power saving; 【摘要】 指出空调的普及和推广是造成 2 0 0 3年全国电力紧缺的主要因素之一。认为完全靠增加发电能力来满足季节性的和不稳定的空调负荷并非明智的办法。提出了可以采取的应急的空调节电措施 ,并对今后采用燃气空调和热电冷联产的经济性问题作了分析 【英文摘要】 Points out that the popularization of air conditioning is one of major factors led to the nationwide power supply shortage in 2003. Considers that it is not advisable to meet the seasonal and unstable air conditioning load by merely increasing capability of electric generation. Presents the possible expedient electric saving measurements, and analyses economic problems for the future application of gas-fired air conditioning and combined cooling heating and power.
关键词:挑战 空调 紧缺 电力 我国 the
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