全部作者:刘 舒 苏 华 潘云
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:4
摘要 以FCU+PAU空调一次泵定流量系统为例,分析以泵代阀系统的形式和特点,计算并比较以泵代阀系统与传统系统的空调供冷季节水泵能耗。结果表明,以泵代阀系统有一定节能效果,但水泵变频时电动机损耗占水泵总功耗的比例较大。 关键词 以泵代阀系统 节能 电动机损耗 Energy saving analysis on replacing control valves by frequency controlled pumps in terminal of air conditioning chilled water system By Liu Shu,Su Hua,Pan Yungang,Li Ying and Li Deying Abstract Taking the primary pump constant flow chilled water system of FCU with PAU air conditioning system as an example, analyses the mode and characteristics of the new system using frequency controlled pumps replacing control valves, calculates and compares the energy consumption of the pump between the new system and traditional systems in cooling seasons. The results show that the new system has a certain energy saving potential, but motor loss has a large proportion to total pump power when variable frequency pump is used. Keywords system replacing control valves by frequency controlled pumps, energy saving, motor loss
关键词:“以泵代阀”系统 节能 电动机损
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