全部作者:张晓亮 朱光俊 江亿
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:8
【英文篇名】 Building environment design simulation software DeST (13): examples of aided design for residential buildings 【作者中文名】 张晓亮; 朱光俊; 江亿; 【作者英文名】 By Zhang Xiaoliang★; Zhu Guangjun and Jiang YiTsinghua University; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 清华大学; 重庆科技学院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 计算输入参数; 辅助设计; 【英文关键词】 energy saving design for residential building; input data; aided design; 【摘要】 通过对住宅建筑模拟计算方法的研究,说明合理的、有代表性的计算输入参数是进行模拟计算的重要前提,并提出了一套较为合理的计算输入参数。利用模拟软件DeST-h,通过对上海、北京的两栋住宅建筑进行优化设计,介绍了利用模拟手段辅助设计的方法,并指出在不同的气候地区,采用相同节能措施的节能效果差别很大,需要利用模拟软件进行详细分析。 【英文摘要】 The research on simulation method for residential building shows that reasonable and representative input data is an important precondition of simulation, and gives a group of adequate input data. Gives a design process of two residential buildings in Shanghai and Beijing by DeST-h to illustrate the method of design with simulation, and points out that the effects of same energy-saving measures are different for different climate areas, which should be analyzed by simulation software.
关键词:模拟 优化 实例 住宅 建筑
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