全部作者:叶水泉 麻延 陈永林
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1998 期数:2
诸暨百货大楼冰蓄冷空调设计 【英文篇名】 Design of the ice storage central air conditioning system in Zhuji Department Stores 【作者中文名】 叶水泉; 麻延; 陈永林; 【作者英文名】 By Ye Shuiquan; Ma Yan and Chen Yonglin; 【作者单位】 电力工业部杭州华源人工环境有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 空调系统; 设计; 节能; 【英文关键词】 ice storage; air conditioning system; design; operation; energy conservaton; 【摘要】 介绍了某百货大楼冰蓄冷空调设计。该大楼为国内首例采用国产蓄冰设备的工程,其所用冰球内有双金属蕊芯,且有融冰速度快、释冷强度大等特点。经实测,冰蓄冷空调系统达到设计要求,系统运行三年来,节约电费约28万元,经济效益显著。 【英文摘要】 Explicates the design, compares it with normal air conditioning systems, and presents its advantages such as decreasing the chiller unit capacity, lowering peak demand for electric power, reducing expenditure on electric power. The system is simple and reliable for using a bimetal cored ice ball featuring quick melting and high discharge capacity. An analysis of the measured data shows that its operation is satisfactory and economically beneficial.
关键词:设计 空调 大楼 百货 and 英文
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