全部作者:郝斌 刘幼农 程杰
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10
摘要: 对建筑能效测评标识制度中的标识类型、标识方式、标识频度、测评主体和标识主体进行了对比分析。通过对方案的选择分析,结合试点项目能效测评标识,对我国建筑能效测评标识制度的标识对象、测评标识时间节点、标识有效期限及建设主管部门标识权限等方面提出了相关建议。 关键词: 建筑能效 测评标识 方案 选择分析 Selection and analysis of building energy efficiency evaluation and labeling system By Hao Bin★, Liu Younong and Cheng Jie Abstract Analyses the type, mode, frequency and subjects of building energy efficiency evaluation and labeling system. Based on the energy efficiency evaluation and labeling of pilot projects, gives some advices to the system such as the object of labeling, the time node of evaluation and labeling, the period of validity and the power limit of the administrative department of construction. Keywords building energy efficiency, evaluation and labeling, program, selection and analysis ★ Center of Science and Technology of Construction MOHURD, Beijing, China
关键词:建筑能效 测评标识 方案 选择分
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