全部作者:王建辉 李百战 刘猛
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11
摘要: 从建筑围护结构隔热保温、各种玻璃窗的热工性能参数对比、家用空调系统形式的对比、可再生能源在建筑节能中的应用等方面分别对夏热冬冷地区相应的节能技术进行了适用性分析。总结出了适合该地区的建筑节能技术,包括节能窗、遮阳设施、家用集中空调系统的选择和可再生能源利用等。认为充分结合该地区的气候和空调系统特点,合理选择相应的节能技术可以达到降低该地区居住建筑能耗的最终目的。 关键词: 节能技术 适用性分析 居住建筑 空调 能耗 Applicability analysis on energy efficiency techniques of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zones By Wang Jianhui★, Li Baizhan, Liu Meng and Yao Runming Abstract Analyses the applicability of energy efficiency techniques in hot summer and cold winter zones from the aspects of the building envelope?s heat insulation, thermal performances of various windows, room air conditioning modes and renewable energy using. Sums up the applicable techniques in these areas such as the energy efficiency windows, window shading, house central air conditioning and renewable energy using. Considers that decreasing energy consumption can be achieved in these areas with the energy efficiency technique properly selected under the local meteorologic conditions. Keywords energy efficiency technique, applicability analysis, residential building, air conditioning, energy consumption ★Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
关键词:节能技术 适用性分析 居住建筑
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