全部作者:王丽明 肖勇全 薛永
【摘要】 利用PHOENIS软件对研究生宿舍散热器供暖和地板供暖进行了数值模拟,选用k-湍流模型求出房间的温度场和速度场,结果显示地板供暖在温度场分布、速度场分布及热舒适性方面均优于散热器供暖。地板供暖辐射温度在地板面有最大值;而散热器辐射温度在顶棚有最大值,辐射温度随高度增加而递增,垂直温差多达5℃左右。 【Abstract】 Applied PHOENICS to the numerical simulation of graduatesdormitory floor heating room and radiator heating room respectively.,Based on - turbulence equation model solution the room the temperature field and the velocity field,the calculation showed the floor radiant hearting system is superiority to the radiator system in thermal comfort and the field of temperature and velocity,The floor heating radiation temperature has the maximum value in the floor surface;but the radiator radiation temperature has the maximum value in the ceiling,the vertical temperature difference up to 5 degrees. 【关键词】 地板辐射供暖; 散热器供暖; 数值模拟 【Key words】 Floor radiant heating system; Radiator hearting system; Simulate
关键词:暖通空调论文 地板辐射供暖 散热
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