全部作者:张思思 董重成 陈玲
【摘要】 通过太阳能采暖与热水供应系统在夏热冬冷地区的实验,测试了系统采暖及提供生活热水时,太阳能集热系统、采暖系统、辅助热源等部分的相关数据,并在实验中分别对采暖房间与非采暖房间的室内温度进行了测试。通过实验数据分析了太阳能采暖与热水供应系统在夏热冬冷地区使用应考虑的问题,并给出系统设计及运行过程中提高系统性能的有关建议,为有关设计提供参考。 【Abstract】 In this paper,based on the experiments of solar energy system for radiator heating and hot water supply in hot summer and cold winter zone,the data related with solar collector conditions,heating system and auxiliary heat source are collected,and temperatures of experiment room and non-experiment room are measured.Through these data,the problems happened in the experiment are analyzed,and suggestions to improve system performance during designing and running are presented,which will provide reference for related solar energy system design. 【关键词】 太阳能系统; 热水供应; 散热器采暖 【Key words】 solar energy system; hot water supply; radiator heating
关键词:太阳能系统 热水供应 散热器采暖
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