我要投稿论文 - 供暖供热


上传时间:2010-07-27 浏览量:35
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全部作者:邢利英 王新征 


【摘要】 对青藏线不冻泉站综合楼拟采用的太阳能热水采暖系统进行一年多的现场测试。根据实测数据进行采暖系统的理论分析和工况设计,并分析计算综合气象因素、太阳能热水器集热量、太阳能采暖系统换热器的换热量、电锅炉的辅助加热量等。并对太阳能热水采暖系统进行技术经济分析,确定该采暖系统合理的设备最佳配比关系和相关数据,为今后青藏高原太阳能热水采暖系统的设计与施工提供借鉴和参考。 【Abstract】 The experiment of solar energy hot water heating system in Budongquan Station along the Qinghai-Tibet railway has been test for more than one year.According to the measured data,the theoretical analysis and design for the heating system were carried on,and the quantity of parameters has been analyzed and calculated,which included the comprehensive factor of meteorological phenomena,heat collected by the solar water heater,heat exchanged by the heat transformer of solar heating and the auxiliary heat of electric boiler etc.The technical and economic analysis of the solar energy hot water heating system was carried out,and the heating system in a reasonable ratio between equipments and related data was determined.It can provide the reference for design and construction of other solar energy hot water heating system in Qinghai-Tibet plateau. 【关键词】 太阳能; 热水采暖; 热量 【Key words】 solar energy; hot water heating; heat

关键词:太阳能 热水采暖 热量 

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邢利英 王新征 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:太阳能 热水采暖 热量 


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