全部作者:孙清典 李灿新 杨学
【中文摘要】 针对目前供暖循环水泵电功耗较高情况,提出了利用变频调速技术调节循环泵流量的技术措施,分别就定压循环变频、恒压差循环变频、变压差循环变频3种控制方式进行了阐述,并通过实验数据说明了变压差循环变频控制方式的优越性。 【英文摘要】 Because the power consumption of the circulating pumps in a heating system is comparatively high,frequency control techniques to control the flow of the circulating pumps were put forward.Three kinds of frequency control techniques were analyzed,including fixed pressure frequency control,constant pressure frequency control and variable pressure frequency control.According to the experimental data,the advantage of variable pressure frequency control technique was shown. 【中文关键词】 循环泵变频调节; 恒压差循环变频; 变压差循环变频 【英文关键词】 frequency regulation of circulating pumps; constant pressure frequency control; variable pressure frequency control
关键词:循环泵变频调节 恒压差循环变频
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