全部作者:白少峰 韩松
【中文摘要】 苏州博物馆新馆是一座既有苏州传统建筑特色又有现代建筑艺术风格的现代化博物馆,体现了"中而新、苏而新"的设计理念,而它的遮阳系统更是独具创意和特色,在不同的空间和位置,分别采用了适宜的遮阳方法,完全适应了不同空间的功能需求,使内部空间既丰富、自然又节省能耗。 【英文摘要】 Under the design concept of "Chinese style with innovation,Suzhou style with creativity",the new Suzhou Museum is a significant construction,merging the traditional Suzhou architectural design with the modern artistic style. Its sunshade system is more creative and special. Suitable ways were used in the system,and adapt entirely different functions needs in different spaces and positions. Thus,interior spaces become colorful and natural,at the same time,save the energy. 【中文关键词】 遮阳系统; 功能; 采光; 节能 【英文关键词】 sunshade system; function; lighting; saving energy
关键词:遮阳系统 功能 采光 节能
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