全部作者:彭靖 刘琳
【摘要】 从上海地区的气候类型、当地居民的生活习惯以及人体生理特点出发,通过对上海地区应用低温热水辐射采暖系统现状的长期调查,结合国内外最新研究成果,采用实际使用过程中的对比实验,提出了行之有效的运行模式和操作方法,并从理论性和经济性两个方面,探讨了采用该系统来尽快改善夏热冬冷地区居民室内热环境的可行性和迫切性。 【Abstract】 Based on Shanghai area climate,local living habits,as well as the human physiological characteristics,the long-term investi-gation data of the situation were supplied with the low temperature hot water radiant system in Shanghai area.Combined with the latest re-search results at home and abroad,experimental research on behavior of the system applied in house located in Shanghai area was described.The interaction between the major system parameters regarding thermal environment and energy consumption was studied.Combined with e-conomy and theory,the feasibility and urgency applying the system as soon as possible to improve the hot summer and cold winter indoor ther-mal environment were also discussed. 【关键词】 上海地区; 地板辐射采暖; 实测数据; 分时段连续运行模式 【Key words】 Shanghai area; radiant floor heating system; field test data; model of continuous running periodically
关键词:上海地区 地板辐射采暖 实测数据
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