全部作者:朱惠英 陶尚儒 凌双
【摘要】 大型商场作为公共建筑的一种,由于建筑面积大、用能设备多、人流密度大、使用时间长等特点,与其他公共建筑相比单位面积能耗密度高、全年耗电量大、节能潜力较大。在对南宁市大型公共建筑进行能耗统计和能源审计的基础上,从营业状况、空调系统及照明系统等方面对大型商场建筑进行能耗分析,并从围护结构、系统设备和能源管理方面进行节能策略研究。 【Abstract】 As one type of the public buildings and compared to other types ofpublic buildings,large scale commercial building features higher energy consumption density for unit surface area and large amount of electric powerconsumption,and thus has great potentiality for energy-saving due to its largerbuilding areas,various energy consumption devices,highly dense stream of peopleand longer running hours,etc.Based on the statistics and auditing of the energyconsumption for the large scale public buildings in Nanning,the energyconsumption of the large scale commercial buildings are analyzed from the aspectsof operating conditions,air-conditioning systems and illuminating systems.Thestudy of energy-saving strategic was also conducted from the aspects of building envelope,system devices and energy management. 【关键词】 大型商场; 能耗分析; 建筑节能 【Key words】 large scale commercial buildings; energy consumption analysis;building energy-saving
关键词:暖通空调论文 大型商场 能耗分析
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